This is a foundational course, suitable for all levels of Christian maturity.
Topics include:
* Exploring the ways God whispers through His PRESENCE, His WORD and His VOICE
* The key role of the Holy Spirit in our communion with God
* The wealth of ways God whispers
* The process of sharing a word with another
* Based on God as our Heavenly Father and we as His childre
Time frame: Runs best as an all-day workshop from 9.45am-4.00pm (9.45am-12.30 and 1.15-4pm)
Available as a Zoom workshop over 3 1/2 hours. Contact us for details.
Cost: A love offering and, if applicable, travel costs.
Enjoying God’s Whispers as His Family Workshop
Our Heavenly Father delights to speak to us, His family. At the heart of this workshop Peter and Kathryn explore the varied ways that our Heavenly Father communicates with His children through His PRESENCE, WORD and VOICE. Using Biblical principles, personal testimony, multimedia and practice in hearing God this is an interactive and practical day together with the Lord, as members of His family. This workshop provides a solid foundation for hearing God in a supported, friendly environment.
Now available as a 3 1/2 hour Zoom workshop to anywhere in the world. Can be run according to your time zone. We are GM +10. We can come via Zoom as presenters to a group via Zoom.
See website blog for upcoming dates of all workshops. Please contact us for more information and to register.
To host or attend a workshop please contact us.